Many people have heard of financial surety bonds whether they realize it or not. People have heard of bail bonds, but it gets pretty murky when you ask specific questions about surety bonds. Surety bonds work similar to bail bonds, except that no one is going to beat your door down and take you to jail if you don't do the right thing with surety bonds. Surety bonds are an instruments that are used by businesses to ensure clients against them doing anything silly.
The way surety bonds work is this way: a business needs to do business, but there is significant risk in the work that occurs through the nature of either the work or the way it intersects with the client's day to day life. For instance, the front door of a house. If a contractor screws that up, the client can't keep people out of the house, not to mention cold weather.
So, a surety bond agency like this one steps in and says "I will guarantee that he will do the work right, or I will pay to have it redone". If that should occur, then the contractor has to pay the surety bond company back. If enough occurrences happen, the surety bond company has the right to terminate the agreement. This happens on the front side when the applicant has bad credit, which makes companies that offer surety bonds to people with bad credit all that much more valuable.
The way surety bonds work is this way: a business needs to do business, but there is significant risk in the work that occurs through the nature of either the work or the way it intersects with the client's day to day life. For instance, the front door of a house. If a contractor screws that up, the client can't keep people out of the house, not to mention cold weather.
So, a surety bond agency like this one steps in and says "I will guarantee that he will do the work right, or I will pay to have it redone". If that should occur, then the contractor has to pay the surety bond company back. If enough occurrences happen, the surety bond company has the right to terminate the agreement. This happens on the front side when the applicant has bad credit, which makes companies that offer surety bonds to people with bad credit all that much more valuable.